girls walking across the school grounds
girl with paper
child playing a trumpet

Category: Spiritual Life

Y4 Mass

1st May 2019

This week’s Mass, hosted by Y4, celebrated the life and resurrection of Jesus. After His resurrection, Jesus brought peace, joy and love to many different people. When people met Him, they saw once again that He was alive, and wanted to share the good news. Today we still listen to this good news about Jesus…

Holy Week

29th March 2019

This week we followed Jesus on his final journey. This journey began on Wednesday, with Y4P leading us in a beautiful Palm Sunday service; we celebrated Jesus’ arrival (by donkey) in Jerusalem by waving our palm leaves and singing ‘Hosanna!’ On Thursday, Y6 lead us in a moving service, which re-enacted the events of the…


15th March 2019

During this week’s liturgies, we were reminded that God is always caring for us, even when we do not realise it. On Monday our year 6 Faith Leaders recalled that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, looking after each of us as his sheep. They reminded us to take time to celebrate and give thanks for…

Lenten Promises

14th March 2019

As we continue through Lent, we try to take time to reflect on our lives and consider how we can help others. Pope Francis reminds us in his encyclical ‘Laudato Si’ that we need to work together to care for our common home. He reminds us of how Saint Francis of Assisi compared our common…

World Faith Week: Judaism (25th February – 1st March)

25th February 2019

As part of our World Faith Week, this week we celebrated the religion of Judaism. Each year group focused on a different aspect of Judaism, including the festivals of Hanukkah (the Feast of Lights), Rosh Hashanah (New Year), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) and Pesach (Passover), as well as Shabbat (the Sabbath) and the Torah…

Y5 Mass

13th February 2019

As this week marks the Feast of St Valentine, Y5’s mass focused on the concept of love. The night before Jesus died, he gave us a new commandment to love one another. We follow His teaching and show our love for Him each and every day by loving our families, friends and neighbours. “Y5’s mass…

Y4 Candlemas Service

30th January 2019

Y4’s service was all about the ways in which the Church celebrates the feast of Candlemas. The girls retold the story by acting out the time that Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem, and about Simeon and Anna, who had been waiting to meet the Messiah for a long time. The…

Y5P Winter Mass

16th January 2019

This morning’s beautiful winter-themed Mass was hosted by our Y5P pupils, alongside Father Michael. The girls talked about the apparent lifelessness of the winter season, as we wait for new life to appear; although the world outside may appear to be dead, life continues to grow beneath the snow. God gives us the winter each…


6th January 2019

Sunday 6th January marked the Feast of the Epiphany. The word ‘epiphany’ is translated as a ‘moment of realisation’, and this religious holiday symbolises the moment the Wise Men first saw Jesus and recognised him as the Son of God. As one of the oldest Christian feasts, this important celebration is steeped in tradition, with…

Bethlehem – the Musical!

25th December 2018

Our Junior girls performed superbly last week, retelling the Christmas story in their funny, vibrant, energetic, modern production of ‘Bethlehem – the Musical’; the school audience and appreciative parents, siblings and extended families were all amazed at seeing nearly 160 girls on stage, all at once in the Hall, all singing their hearts out, dancing…

Holy Cross Prep School

Open Morning

Our next Open Morning is Wednesday 12th February or please contact us to book a private tour

We are now registering for Reception classes for 2025 and 2026. Please contact the registrar for details of any occasional through school spaces.

Our Little Sparks Pre-School, for 3–4 year old girls, is registering for final places for April 2025

“Our pre-school girls will enjoy all the advantages of our school – specialist teachers, renowned care, fabulous facilities and grounds. All in the heart of Kingston.”
– Sarah Hair, Headteacher