The Junior girls dazzled us with their performance of ‘Bethlehem – The Musical’ for two nights last week as the Hall erupted in appreciative cheers and calls for encore! Mrs Thompson had adapted the script to suit our girls and Mrs Petersons ensured the singing was West-end worthy. Many hands backstage had also helped bring the production together from costumes, props and set to lighting which we now benefit from the services of a professional lighting technician who joins our Holy Cross staff team at production time – thank you Greg!
The Nativity story was retold with some humorous, modern touches that really brought it to life. It was truly wonderful to see nearly 160 girls on stage all at the same time, knowing what they were doing and, “striving to be the best they can be” in the show. Huge congratulations to all girls and staff – a fabulous traditional element of the festive period ticked off in true Holy Cross style. Both the Pre-Prep and Junior productions were filmed; details of how to purchase online through the Agora system will be communicated to you in the Friday Update so do keep an eye out for that.
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